My new storage and showroom. If you wish to view please call me, email or txt to arrange for a viewing or meet me on one of the Lakes to Try Before You Buy.
Winter’s Day on Ullswater. Frankie and Danny. We paddled into St Patricks Bay first for Skills, then to Purse point via Cherry Holme. We then stopped in this Stunning little bay to take in the view and have a snack, then paddled over to Norfolk Island for our main Lunch stop. Thanks to Frankie and […]
Some brilliant days out. Lovely people, great company, thanks Mike. Mark and Jill. Ann-Marie, Connor, Emily and Kathryn. Emma and Phil. Various day tours on Ullswater.
Try Before You Buy. Peter and his wife Yukari trying out a Valley Etain and Northshore Aspect in choppy conditions on Ullswater. Try Before You Buy. Later on that day it blew up to Force 5. Try Before You Buy. Karl came down from Edinburgh to try an Etain too. What a great way to demo kayaks, […]